Sunscape Estates RV Resort Cooperative

10:00 AM @ Community Center

April 2  2024


Board of Directors

Regular Meeting

Call to Order:  Vern Beckstead, President


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:  Vern Beckstead, Judy Wilson, Sandy Smith, Tom Omlid,

Butch Partee, Ken Macomber, Richard Hinkle,

Managers Larry and Reggie Jordan


Treasurer’s Report:


Motion 16-24/25 to approve treasures report:   1st_____________



Committee Reports: The Board requests the committees present a written report at each Board Meeting.


        Activity Committee

        Admin Support







        Long Range Planning

        Park Party

Motion 17-24/25: To approve Committee reports,

1st_________________   2nd___________________


Consent Agenda:

Motion to approve Minutes from the March 1,2 2024  Board meeting.


1st____________________   2nd______________________



Announcements: Season ending on April 15th. If there is a need for lot transfers, please plan ahead with all of your proper paperwork. Be PATIENT with your request because the transfer staff is not always here during the summer months. Everybody that handles that process is a volunteer too.

Before going outside the park and contacting authorities about some concern, please bring this concern to the manager first. It most likely can be resolved in house.

Please take care of your yards as far as appearance, ie: weeds and shrubs. 




Sandi Elgin and Lori Thompson both resigned from the Ambassadors Committee. Their efforts to revive the Ambassadors was very successful and the will be missed. Thank you for your contributions to the park.


Action Request Forms: None


Old Business:


New Business:





Larry and Reggie Jordan


Sunscape RV Resort